Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Managing Myself

Welcome to my blog.  Let me introduce myself.  My name is Mary and my blog will mainly focus on how I manage to mismanage myself most of the time.  No worries though.  Don't be alarmed.  Remaining optimistic is the main goal.  As the great Yogi Berra put it...."If life were perfect, it wouldn't be."  By sharing experiences of how I manage and mismanage myself, I hope to meet in the middle to find true balance in peace of mind.

Managing my health is THE MOST IMPORTANT GOAL.   Many of the great members on Nutrimirror.com have inspired this blog.  For excellent blogs to get you motivated, check out The Kel Show and The Country Tart for the stimulation you need to get yourself moving.  However, don't be expecting that level of commitment here.  Think of this more along the lines of comic relief.  Miss-Managing Mary is just as it sounds....A blog for the screw ups!  Sorry....Optimistic screw ups.  A blog for those of us with good intentions, but somehow get distracted too easily.  For those of us who go to Costco with the intention to buy Greek Yogurt in bulk, only to come home with David's Deep Dish Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie.   

Why?  Why do I do that?  How do I recover?  I manage to get back to what I know is right.  I don't give in and I don't give up.  I don't think I've blown it, and veer wildly off track by eating half the pie.  I remember that even a piece of cookie pie can fit within a healthy balanced day. 

The intention is to keep moving on my journey to good health and peace of mind, overcoming my mismanagement along the way.  By putting my intentions out here for you to see, there is little opportunity to weasel out of them.  Even so, trust me, I will try.  This blog and you will serve as my accountability.  A flogging might be necessary.

There is pleasure in knowing that my successes and mistakes make up who I am.  If I were perfect, I wouldn't be me.


  1. Fear not, milady !!! For thou haveth many MANY compadres in your same boat. Let's just hope we don't sink the poor thing !!

    If you're so inclined you can jump across the pond & see how MY "accountability" is coming along !


    take care .... stay kool .... be content
    munkstir =)

  2. I love it! From one optimistic screw up to another...

  3. LOVE your first post!!!! You go girl! Dish looks YUMMY!

  4. mary, mary, you do need managing. You're very, very funny. If I weren't so darned old I'd love to manage your career as a humorist. I knew a guy who went to costco to buy a fishing lure and came home with a boat.

  5. You have a gift for writing! I know I am going to enjoy visiting here often.

  6. They sell boats at Costco? Good thing I didn't happen down that isle.

    Thanks guys. It was fun writing this morning.

  7. I loved it!!!! You are very good for someone that has never blogged. You even attached links, yea! I cant wait to read your next post.

  8. Fantastic! Hint on Costco - go when your checking account is really low!!
